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Niagara Catholic says students will come back under staggered entry approach

Document gives a glimpse of what hallways and classrooms will look like
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Niagara Catholic School Board says they are also taking a staggered entry approach as students get ready to hit the books after the summer break, but with a slightly different approach from DSBN.

Elementary students with family names from A to L will attend school on Tuesday, September 8th and Wednesday, September 9th.

Elementary students with family names M to Z on Thursday, September 10th and Friday, September 11th.

All elementary students will attend school beginning Monday, September 14th.

Online learning will begin Monday, September 14 for all students.

The plan is released along with a thick back-to-school manual that outlines everything from how students should enter and exit a school bus safely to reduce contact, and how the board's schools are designing its interiors for safety.

The board said all schools will have floor marking, desk shields, one-way arrows regulating the flow in hallways and corridors, and more.

PPE for staff will consist of face masks, gloves, face shields, gowns as required based on a specific job class, and will be supplied by the Ministry of Education.

No fall athletic co-curricular activities will take place, the board said.

Niagara Catholic also said it is setting up a virtual school for those who have opted for at-home learning.


This school will have a principal and staff assigned to the school to provide elementary and secondary classes live and synchronously, where possible.

"Once the current re-registration process data has been reviewed and updated, parents and guardians who have selected remote virtual learning for their children will be contacted by the principal of our virtual school with specific information on programs, supports, and services that can be provided in a remote environment starting the week of September 14th," the board said.