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Beyond Local

ONTARIO: Canada decides against appealing landmark annuities case, chief says

ONTARIO: Canada decides against appealing landmark annuities case, chief says

The provincial deadline to decide is today
ONTARIO: Videos capture just how cold it is in Timmins

ONTARIO: Videos capture just how cold it is in Timmins

The area continues to be under an extreme cold warning
CANADA: McGill science group questions sale of "quack remedies"

CANADA: McGill science group questions sale of "quack remedies"

Homeopathy, which dates back to 1796, is based on the principle that "like cures like," or the idea that a disease can be cured by ingesting a low dose of something that produces similar symptoms in a healthy person
BEYOND LOCAL: Should social media be regulated?

BEYOND LOCAL: Should social media be regulated?

Some scholars are also calling for dominant tech platforms to be regulated as public utilities given their power in operating private informational infrastructure
CANADA: Garneau optimistic about implementing national standards for truck drivers

CANADA: Garneau optimistic about implementing national standards for truck drivers

Garneau says he favours minimum entry-level training standards for truck drivers and believes that every province should have that requirement
BEYOND LOCAL: Hanlon southbound at 401 remains closed as jet fuel clean up continues into next week

BEYOND LOCAL: Hanlon southbound at 401 remains closed as jet fuel clean up continues into next week

The ministry said there is no timeframe for the completion of the clean up
BEYOND LOCAL: Jet fuel spill reaching further into waterways than first reported: Ministry of Environment

BEYOND LOCAL: Jet fuel spill reaching further into waterways than first reported: Ministry of Environment

The discovery of jet fuel odours has resulted in Grand River Conservation Authority anouncing there will be no ice fishing this season at Shade's Mill Conservation Area.
BEYOND LOCAL Are Catholic schools hot beds for homophobia?

BEYOND LOCAL Are Catholic schools hot beds for homophobia?

Where schools promote such contradictory messages associating respect and depravity with LGBTQ people, they have made Alberta and Ontario Catholic schools potential hotbeds for homophobia, says Associate Professor at Univeristy of Calgary, Tonya D. Callaghan
Beyond Local: The evolution of car seats

Beyond Local: The evolution of car seats

Modern Canadian car seats are standardized and must follow strict safety regulations, but it wasn’t that long ago that rules didn’t exist
ONTARIO: Is it time for Canada to change the way English is taught?

ONTARIO: Is it time for Canada to change the way English is taught?

In Canada, 7.7 million residents speak a non-official language as a mother tongue, an increase of 13.3 per cent between 2011 to 2016, and the number of people speaking more than one language at home is on the rise