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Local News

BEYOND LOCAL: Do you know the difference between avoiding and evading taxes?

BEYOND LOCAL: Do you know the difference between avoiding and evading taxes?

Remember that while it is nice to save money, the taxes we pay contribute to security and healthcare in our country
Lights out for Earth Hour at Brock University

Lights out for Earth Hour at Brock University

Watch for changing tower illumination at Brock on March 30
BEYOND LOCAL: With warmer weather comes sneezing, snow mould and seasonal allergies

BEYOND LOCAL: With warmer weather comes sneezing, snow mould and seasonal allergies

Springtime events like blossoming trees can trigger seasonal allergy symptoms
NTEC awards business champions who strive for inclusivity, accessibility

NTEC awards business champions who strive for inclusivity, accessibility

Hiring the disabled is not only the right choice—ethically speaking—it’s the smart choice, says Mike Bradley, long-time Mayor of Sarnia-Lambton
Suspects may have used social media to commit identity fraud, police say

Suspects may have used social media to commit identity fraud, police say

Two suspects from Welland have been charged
When the Canal was closed on Sundays

When the Canal was closed on Sundays

This week's history column recalls when the Sabbath Observance law was strictly enforced on the canal. Taken from Thorold Township and Town, 1786-1932, published by John H. Thompson.
Google documentary examines Village Media's role in the evolution of news

Google documentary examines Village Media's role in the evolution of news

The video, which premiered this week at the Google News Initiative Summit at Google Headquarters in Mountain View, CA, focuses on Village Media's expansion to Orillia
Wanted: Life-changing bicycles

Wanted: Life-changing bicycles

To some, bikes are a luxury, supplying fun and exercise. To others, they represent a new life and freedom.
Name the road you love to hate: CAA begins Worst Roads campaign

Name the road you love to hate: CAA begins Worst Roads campaign

No Thorold roads made the list last year, but Niagara Region was named and shamed
ONTARIO: Data suggests youth pot use was on the rise before legalization

ONTARIO: Data suggests youth pot use was on the rise before legalization

Data comes from the annual survey of high school students